Tough Mudder #ObstacleWeek – No. 3: Pyramid Scheme

Fan favorite #3 for Tough Mudder’s #ObstacleWeek, Pyramid Scheme, is the quintessential Tough Mudder obstacle, requiring teamwork and creativity to successfully scale the slick, slanted behemoth. Whether you use a tried and true method that hasn’t let you down or are a Tough Mudder virgin just trying not to kick someone in the face, you’ll have to rely on strangers and friends alike to conquer this beast.

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Pyramid Scheme is one of those obstacles that benefits from spatial awareness and a background in construction. I firm base is necessary to support your pyramid, and be prepared to think outside of the box. Inappropriate touching is guaranteed – both by you and to you. Don’t hold it against your fellow legionnaires, scaling this slippery slope will take everything you have, including your dignity. The joy of victory awaits you at the top, where you’ll celebrate with your Mudder Family.

For tips on training for and conquering Pyramid Scheme, check out the Tough Mudder website. Which obstacle will be voted #2?

What’s your Pyramid Scheme story?
Tell us in the comments below

Phoebe Brimer

Phoebe Brimer, aka The Phoebinator, is a Las Vegas based, self-described nerd. Nature is her church, and as a new Grandmother - her grandson is the best thing since The Cliff. Her life mantra is "Do Ordinary Things Extraordinarily".
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