WTM Preview…Here’s What We (don’t?) Know

WTM 2016 - Operation is teed up

WTM 2016 - Operation is teed upWTM is only 2 weeks away, and with November 12th rapidly approaching, the World’s Toughest Mudder Community is hungry for information…we aren’t close friends with patience. Since the Las Vegas Tough Mudder is this weekend (October 29-30), I seized the opportunity to do some investigating on behalf of all the restless WTMers who are anxious to feed the anticipation monster.

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Revelation #1
The Pit will be in the same location as the previous 2 years. It’s convenient, flat, and easy for planning and staging.

Revelation #2
The course will be 5 miles long…not surprising, it was in the rules. However, they are hiring an independent company to measure and certify the length of the course. $100,000 is a lot of money at stake and lessons have been learned.

Revelation #3
There will be 3 obstacles at WTM from the Tough Mudder Obstacle Innovation Lab. No – I can’t tell you which ones, but you probably know someone who was at the Innovation Lab…pick his or her brain. Arctic Enema 3.0 was the only Innovation obstacle on the Las Vegas TM course and construction was attentive to performance of the obstacle and obtaining feedback from racers.  This, of course, does not mean Arctic Enema 3.0 will be on the WTM course.

WTM 2016 - Arctic Enema 3.0 (Feel the Burn)...will it make an appearance?

Revelation #4
Expect the registration and pit assignment process to be more regulated and monitored. The past two years have caused TMHQ a lot of headaches in this area, and they are looking to make the process more controlled. We’ll know specifics on Wednesday, November 2, when the official athlete guide is released.

Revelation #5
There will be at least one (possibly 2) never before constructed, seen, or tested obstacle(s) at WTM. Read this as mad scientists on the loose for the next 2 weeks at Lake Las Vegas (my words, not TMHQ’s). TMHQ always brings their A game to WTM, and Eli Hutchison has a lot of people to please: Will Dean, CBS, and the WTM Community. Brady Archer left some big shoes to fill as far as WTM is concerned. Eli has always been involved, but it’s been Brady’s ballgame the last 3 years…Eli is certainly preparing to pitch a no hitter.

Revelation #6
Water crossings/submersions should be about the same as WTM 2015. Certainly no water crossings any longer than what we’ve seen in the past.  WHEW!!!!

WTM 2016 - THE CLIFF - Look out below

Lastly, TMHQ wants to honor the camaraderie of Tough Mudder and World’s Toughest Mudder. Everyone should be ready…because the race doesn’t start until November 12, but that doesn’t mean TMHQ isn’t coming for you sooner.

Phoebe Brimer

Phoebe Brimer, aka The Phoebinator, is a Las Vegas based, self-described nerd. Nature is her church, and as a new Grandmother - her grandson is the best thing since The Cliff. Her life mantra is "Do Ordinary Things Extraordinarily".
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