Tifosi Optics Brixen – Custom – Review

Tifosi Optics Brixen
4.2 / 5 Overall
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Sunglasses, with shoes being the exception, are my favorite thing to wear, although they are often easy to lose or break.  Well I had already had the opportunity to test out the Tifosi Synapses in a prior review, so I decided that for the Tifosi Custom series review to test the Tifosi Optics Brixens – Custom.  The shield for the glasses was intriguing, so I thought I would give them a go.  I was able to pick the color of the frames, the lenses, and the ear pads for them.   I chose black, black, and more black.  I am definitely a fan of black.  Well, the lenses are actually smoke colored but you get the point.

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Tifosi Optics Brixens Custom Features

Light weight –  These sunglasses are so light you can barely feel them on your face.

Super Comfy –   They feel literally like you aren’t wearing anything.

Aerodynamic –  Much better than running with a poster board ducktaped to your back.

Tifosi Optics Brixens Custom Usage

I went on several runs with these wonderful glasses on.  They blocked the sun extremely well and were so lightweight I could barely feel them on my face.  One thing that always comes up when I run with sunglasses on is whether the glasses fog up or not.  Well, like all sunglasses that I’ve worn, they fog up when I breathe in and out my mouth, and they do not fog up when I breathe in and out my nose.  It is definitely a lot harder to breathe in and out my nose.  I am usually huffing and puffing out my mouth, however, if I am mindful, I can practice breathing easy in and out my nose.  It was interesting to read and find out that both nose and mouth breathing are good for running.  I always thought nose breathing was the way to go.  Well, actually, breathing through your mouth brings in more oxygen.  So that is good to know.  It is said that just running with your mouth open is the way to go.  However, during cold runs, it is often said that breathing through your nose warms the air going into your lungs.  I don’t think it truly matters how you breathe during a run nonetheless, it’s just good to be running.

Tifosi Optics Brixens Custom  Durability

They seem to be quite durable.  I don’t think they would break if you dropped them,  but likely would if you run them over with your car.

Tifosi Optics Brixens Custom Pros and Cons


  • Lightweight
  • Comfortable
  • Optimal shade


  • Some fogging
  • Just another item to keep track of


Tifosi Optics Brixens Custom Conclusion

At close to $60, they are definitely in my price range for glasses.  They are a lot better than gas station or CVS sunglasses, which I usually buy, but not as expensive as Oakleys, Spys, Smith or the likes.   I really like these Brixon shields and will definitely will wear them for years to come, unless of course I lose them or run them over with my car, and in that case, the price is a good medium value.

Clayton Griffith

One day, Clayton made the mistake of getting too close to ORM co-founder Matt Davis. Now, most weekends, he is stuck with Matt running on a trail, on some train tracks, or at obstacle races. He also been forced to take on additional duties, such as writing for ORM, manning the ORM tent, and watching Matt's kids, all against his will.

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