RockTape RockWrist Wrist Wraps Review

RockWrist Wrist Wraps
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For a while I had been thinking about buying wrist wraps for weightlifting, but after spending money on lifters and knee sleeves, amongst other (expensive) things, I just couldn’t bring myself to buy anything else. Naturally, when I was given this product to test and review, I was more than excited. Now it has become a staple in my gym bag! RockTape’s RockWrist Wrist Wraps provide excellent support when lifting and working out & have proven to be quite durable.


RockTape RockWrist Wrist Wraps Features

Elastic Band  – Keeps the wrap in place. Has a good amount of elasticity without being loose.

Velcro Closure – Works for a wide range of wrist sizes & allows you to tighten/loosen as necessary.

Motivational Phrases – Keeps you going throughout your entire workout!


RockTape RockWrist Wrist Wraps Usage

Just about every time I snatch or clean & jerk, I grab my wrist wraps. When it comes to putting weight overhead, I prefer the added support they provide. If I’m doing a workout with lifting as well as other movements, I may keep them a little bit looser to allow more flexion in my wrist, but overall have never had an issue keeping them on while doing pull-ups, push-ups, etc.


RockTape RockWrist Wrist Wraps Durability

I have doused them in oodles of chalk, sweat in them, and ripped them off very quickly, but despite the past two months of repeated abuse, they haven’t come apart in the slightest. As of right now, I see no reason to be concerned about the durability of this product.

RockTape RockWrist Wrist Wraps Pros and Cons


  • Provide excellent support
  • Very durable


  • Elastic band may become irritable during sustained usage
  • Expensive in comparison to Rogue and Harbinger

Similar Products

WOD Wear WristWraps and Harbinger are two of the most common wrist wraps I see in CrossFit gyms, but RockTape is definitely a competitor when it comes to quality. Unfortunately, RockTape RockWrist Wrist Wraps are $25, which is $8 more than WOD wear.

RockTape RockWrist Wraps Conclusion

Overall, I would definitely recommend the RockTape RockWrist Wraps. I use the wrist wraps just about every time I lift and have no complaints about durability, which is often one of my main concerns since I am pretty rough on my gear. RockTape has always been and continues to be one of my favorite brands when it comes to products that provide superior support and stabilization.

Justina Rosado

Justina is a passionate ultra runner and obstacle course racer who doesn't mind a little good livin' every once in a while.
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