Episode 109 – World’s Toughest Mudder 2014 Part III


As one of a handful of Barkley Ultramarathon finishers in the world, ever, Nickademus Hollon entered WTM with tons of respect from the OCR community. Many were considering him a contendor to win it all. In Episode 107, we had a nice chat where he talked about how his massive ultramarathon training experience could really benefit him in a race like this. He ended up with only his 2nd ever DNF. We talk to him and find out what happened.

spartan race discount

Amelia Boone missed the Spartan World Championships and the OCR World Championships as she chose to have major surgery about 3 months ago. Her return to World’s Toughest was also her return to the top as she was crownded champion again.

Ryan Atkins got to stand in Pak’s shoes and feel what it’s like to contend when everyone knows exactly who you are. He promptly defended his title against arguably the most competitive field to date.

Today’s show is sponsored by Mad Anthony Mud Run.  Mad Anthony was known for his tenacity, intensity and character; we hope that you will bring those same attributes as you complete this adventurous challenge including numerous “battles” that will confront you along the way. Register now for just $35.00

Click here to listen or press the large red button below.

You can find additional episodes for the Obstacle Racing Media Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher.

Show Notes:

Matt B’s awesome new microphone

The Barkley Marathons

Amelia’s WTM 2014 blog post

Ryan Atkins blog

Nickademus WTM 2014 blog post

Matt B. Davis

is the host of the Obstacle Racing Media Podcast and the author of "Down and Dirty-The Essential Training Guide for Obstacle Races and Mud Runs". He is also the only (known) #wafflehouseelite obstacle racer.

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My WTM 2014 Saga – Part Two

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Episode 110 - OCR and Adventure Racing with Kristin and Yishai from All Out Events

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