The results page for this event is here.
The next race is May 30. Register here.
The race clock will be set using
Your bib number can be found here. You do not have to wear it, but it will be used in prize drawings.
How many 5 mile loops can you get in 12 hours?
- Log Into Race HQ on Zoom Link Pit Party on April 18th, 2020 – The race clock will be set using
- Laptop or Phone or Other Devices needs to face your “Pit Area”.
Lap Format and Awards
- Run 5 miles any way you can, outdoors. Log in your time and photo proof on race website – See below for what constitutes 1 completed lap.
- Each “Completed Lap” will be reset for the start of each 5 mile lap. Participants must submit only 5 mile segments, and must reset their GPS upon the start of a new lap. Runners only credited for 5 miles or 1 lap, even if a 10 or 15 mile segment uploaded.
- Race to begin at 8AM (EST) and end 8PM (EST) on Saturday, April 18th 2020.
- Between “Laps” athlete can receive aid or rest as long as they’d like:
- Tracking:
- Each athlete is responsible to upload lap times and photo proof of EACH lap completed, after each lap. Not all at once in the middle or end of race.
- Photo needs to be of either watch face OR Strava, Runkeeper, or other tracking app.
- See notes below for how runners are credited for each lap.
Winner is determined by most laps completed in 12 Hour Period.
Final lap must be completed and entered by 8:00pm EST.
- Only full 5 mile loops are counted. There are no partial loops.
- If multiple persons complete most total loops by 8:00pm, fastest overall time wins.
- A lap uploaded short of 5 miles (even 4.99) will not count.
Leaderboard will be live with chat options for all participants and spectators!
Matt B. Davis and others providing commentary with special guests commentating throughout
1st prize “Winner Take All” Cash Award determined by total number of signups.
- 100 participants – Top M/F $125 each
125 participants – Top M/F $175 each
150 participants – Top M/F $300 each
175 participants – Top M/F $350 each
200 participants – Top M/F $450 each
225 participants – Top M/F $500 each
250 participants – Top M/F $625 each
275 participants – Top M/F $675 each - 300 participants – Top M/F. $725 each
325 participants – Top M/F. $785 each350 participants Top M/F $845 each375 participants Top M/F. $905 each- 400 participants Top M/F $965 each
- 425 participants Top M/F. $1009 each
2nd prize 2nd place male and female – 1 pair of VJ Shoes – any style.
3rd prize 3rd place male and female – 1 Camelbak Zephyr Vest
4th prize. 4th place male and female – 1 Kitbrix
Most Vert Prize – TX Agravic Fast Pack
Random Prizes – We will have a random prize generator on throughout the race. You can win gear and other prices based on bib numbers just by completing at least 5 miles.
Additional Notes:
- Official RaceTime is from this website
- You may run 5 mile loops, a 2.5 mile out and back, or even laps around your house. Laps may be the same route or multiple routes. As long as you run outside and you check in every 5 miles from your “pit area” with the data and the photo to prove the 5 mile “Laps”.
- NO TREADMILLS (A future race may have treadmill option)
- We will not accept anything uploaded less than 5 mile laps as a complete lap.
- Any additional mileage will NOT count towards the next lap. (So a 5.25 loop, does not mean next lap is 4.75)
- We will not accept a 10 mile lap and include it as 2 laps, etc. Each lap your GPS is reset back to zero.
- You ARE allowed to have a “mobile” pit and check in from different places. Meaning you can run continuous as long as you check into zoom every 5 miles and upload your data, get acknowledged by host every 5 miles. (The UltraVirus is NOT responsible if you run to an area with no signal. So saying “Signal didn’t work, so heres 2 – five mile segments I ran” – UltraVirus race will only count 1 of those segments. So you MUST check in every 5 to the ZOOM Pit no matter what)
- A crew member may assist runners in uploading photos and race times. Please don’t tell us that this is unfair as you don’t have a spouse/friend/pet to do it for you. It’s just like a real looped race. Some do it alone, some pack an RV full of people to help.
- You do NOT have to stay logged in to zoom 100 percent of the time. You can log back in each lap in your “zoom pit” to show you are back, upload your miles, be acknowledged by the host, and go back out.
- You do NOT have to run the entire 12 hours. You can start, and stop as many times as you wish. Take naps, mow the lawn, whatever. Just log your first lap after the race begins, and the finish line closes at 8:00pm EST.
- There is no “non running” for ANY portion of this race. This means 100 percent of ALL travel is on foot. For example: You can not run down a mountain, then drive back up to the start each lap . We are not rocket surgeons, but we are wise to your ways. So if it’s obvious you found a straight downhill course to go up and down like this, it won’t be counted either. The purpose of this event is to get everyone running/competing together but apart. Not, who can find the loophole. Final say belongs to us.
- No refunds.
Here is how runners will be credited for each lap.
Step 1
- Log into Zoom Pit Party.
- Run 5 miles as per instructions above.
- Return to Zoom Pit Party.
- Announce to host your arrival in this manner – “Your Name, coming in from UltraVirus Lap #1”
- Wait for verbal acknowledgement from the host. (If host is acknowledging other runners, raise hand in zoom and wait to be acknowledged). To raise your hand on iPhone – touch screen, click more, then raise hand. On laptop – tap participants, then raise hand.
- Take whatever time you need before leaving out for another lap.
- When leaving to begin next lap, announce your departure – “Your Name, Going Out For UltraVirus Lap #2”
- Wait for acknowledgement from host. (If host is acknowledging other runners, raise hand in zoom and wait to be acknowledged).
Step 2
- Log into the “Lap Results” (links below).
- Enter race time in HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.
- A lap time of 55 minutes and 10 seconds will be recorded as 00:55:10. A lap time of 1 hour and 12 minutes and 14 seconds will be recorded as 01:12:14
- Upload photo of watch face of lap time and distance for each lap to [email protected]. In the subject line write your full name and what lap number it is for you. Ex – “John Smith Lap 2”.
- If you upload data from an app rather than actual watch face, be sure to include “Elapsed Time” and not just “Run Time” as in this photo below. The first number is 50:31 but is not actual elapsed time, which is 55:28.
- Be sure to close out (X out) of the Lap Results every time (Not just close laptop). Google will LOCK out other racers when it reaches capacity. So please do this.
- If google sheet crashes/doesn’t allow you to upload. Send time and screenshot to the gmail account. We will do our best to upload it for you before the next lap. However, we are NOT responsible for your times, you are. So please go back to google and enter the times if you get back and see the last lap has not been entered onto the sheet yet.
These steps can be done in either order. This means you can log in your photos and data first or be acknowledged by host first. What’s important is that both steps happen.
Other questions we have been getting:
- Do I need to run the entire 12 hours to be considered a finisher?
No. You run as many laps as you want, at your own pace. Stop at any time. Take a shower. Keep on going. Or don’t.
- Can I be paced? Run this with a friend?
First of all, social distancing and all that, so be mindful of gathering with anyone.
In terms of anyone running with you as a pacer, just have them register as another runner. This way it’s another “competitor” running with you. Which keeps this all in the spirit of a true race.
Your friend can choose to log the same amount of miles as you or they can quit anytime. They can also run the first 5 and the last 5, or anything in between.
Whatever the case is, you are both logging separate lap times and photos. We know running with a buddy can make the miles go by faster and can an awesome thing to do. You CAN share a screen/log in with zoom. But again, you are uploading times individually with your own watch/device.
- Do I have to keep my ZOOM logged in and on my computer on the entire time?
No, you can certainly log on and off or just leave it running in your “pit” if set up near a plug.
However each pit stop, you need to upload your 5 mile loop time and distance plus the photo. Also, quickly wave to the camera to show you are back and about to go back out. You can then shut it down and go back out running.
- What if the Lap Results Sheet freezes or locks out.
You will still email your result photo as per the above instruction to [email protected]. However, you are still responsible for getting those lap times in the lap entry spreadsheet as soon as possible. If RD’s have time, we can attempt to do it for you, but if you return from the next lap and your times still aren’t there. Please enter the previous lap time and the new lap time in the appropriate cell. You WONT need to upload the previous lap photo again though, you only need to send that once.
This is not A Boston Marathon Qualifer nor a Western States Golden Ticket Qualifier
Race Links
Zoom Pit Party –
Link for women to enter lap results
Link for men to enter lap results –
Leaderboard with tabs –
All your friends that want to watch the coverage –
A final note on results and prizes: Please allow 24 hours for us to verify data. After data is verified, please allow 7-10 days for receipt of prize. Prize money will be sent by Venmo. All other prizes will be mailed.
Our race team has people place in case of controversy or disputed results. We will do our best to resolve anything that comes up as quickly as possible.
Matt B. Davis
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Great idea Matt!