Dry Rub : Car Seat Covers for Athletes

Dry Rub Car Seat Covers
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When you come to Obstacle Races, you always come by driving your huge vehicle that is built specifically for adventure. It’s lifted, which is awesome, but not needed because races almost always have these really fancy parking lots that barely get your car dirty at all. Races are also one of the best places out there for cleanliness- every race spends so much time and energy into building these glorious showers. The showers are built in a way where the ground doesn’t re-muddy up your feet or shoes when you’re done. The water is always warm, and of course, you’re always able to get completely clean the first time.

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If you couldn’t tell, that entire paragraph was sarcastic. This is BARELY the case.

If you’re anything like me, you straight up dread the drive to races. I drive a Corolla, which, for those of you who aren’t familiar with cars, this car is pretty low to the ground. I always get stuck in the grassy lots. My car looks like a total disaster, and it makes me cringe. I feel like after I run, not only do I need to clean myself extensively, but my car too.

Of course, let’s talk about the actual race, too. In some races, the directors HOPE to get you as muddy as possible. Sometimes they don’t, and it still takes about 5 showers for you to feel normal again. Most races provide showers, but the water is usually freezing, and often just over more grass, so you’re just hosing yourself off in another mud puddle. Basically, the world’s least effective showering system. You can rinse off a hundred times over and still not feel great. Then you’re wet, and freezing too.

So, you get back to your car in the muddy lot. Since you may still be wet, you’re completely covered in grass again…sigh…

Once you’re there, you look at your seat cover. You remember what it used to look like when the car was still new while you put down your handy-dandy car seat towel, and hope for the best. When you get home, you remove said towel in sheer agony because you can see a big spot where your butt has been sitting, and your car is still wet. Not to mention, you may need to consider throwing away the towel.

My friends, these days are over.

Summary/ Purpose

I’d like to introduce to you Dry-Rub, a car seat cover for athletes.

I had the pleasure of talking with one of their employees throughout the duration of my purchase, and might I begin by saying that this person (whose name I don’t know) was very pleasant and easy to work with. I received quick responses that were polite and reasonable.

Might I start off my product review by saying, this product totally makes sense. Towels aren’t thick enough to do the job. They fall over, even if you tie them. Then, they get stinky and gross. So, the fact that someone has created a product specifically to deal with our muddy butts, well, to you, I say thank you.

Product Features

Dry Rub is sold in a few different colors: red, blue, grey, and pink. I got the “mild” version, which covers the seat, the back of the seat, and the head rest. It does not cover around the foot area, but some of the upgraded versions do. I was really surprised with how quickly the product shipped to my house. It was on my door step two days after I had discussed the order with them. It shipped neatly in a box, labeled dry rub.

The box itself comes with a little handle, and it’s very light weight and easy to transport. Inside the box cover is another box that opens easily. Inside of that is a list of directions to help show you how to put the product on your carseat, and a drawstring bag with the dry rub inside of it.

The head rest of the seat cover in cinched, so it stays on comfortably and doesn’t wiggle. The back of my seat was completely covered, and the bottom is patted for extra support.


Product Usage

I recently did the Green Beret Challenge XII, and decided to test this product after this event. What would be the point of testing a product that claims it can keep your car clean while you are also clean? So, after the event, I went straight to my car. No shower, nothing. We had been swimming in a pond a lot before I got in the car, too. I had about a 45 minute drive to my next location.

I was really excited when I removed this and found no butt stain on my car! The picture below was taken immediately after I took this seat off. Granted, the seat was stained before from said “OCR butt.”

I have used this product when I train also. I do a lot of trail running and you just never know what you are going to find on your way home. You especially don’t want to find things while you’re driving. It’s something that I can use on a day-to-day training basis when I don’t have time to shower in between doing the fitness and doing real life.

Another thing? No smell. When I got up, there were a few things of grass that stuck to the cover, but I was able to just brush them off. No problem. It was awesome.


Pros: It’s light weight, easy to transport, doesn’t smell, and can save my car from whatever swim, mud, or sweat stains I bring to it. It also comes in a variety of side colors so you can still be unique. The extra padding on the bottom is extra efficient for making sure that your butt covers the seat. Ships fast, and customer service is pretty great.

Cons: It’s not as attractive as you would hope it would be, and if you buy the “mild” model, below the seat isn’t covered.


Thoughts? I like this product.  The biggest thing was the model that I had did not also have the portion that covered up the lower part of the seat. But, Dry Rub has already made improvements on this model available. If you’re looking to purchase, I would go ahead and get the Medium or more upgraded versions. But, a definite recommend for people who are looking to get out of the towel method.



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Sarah Hetzel

Sarah is a special education teacher from Greenville, South Carolina. She has experience in running from cross country and track in high school and two years in college. It wasn't until her friend Janet introduced her to obstacle racing that she fell in love with the fitness. Now she's trying to do as many different OCRs as she can, while encouraging others to do the same.
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