The Best of Both Worlds (My Labor Day 5 Miler)

spartan race discount

Fri, 07 Sep 2012 17:32:03 +0000

I read about Mommy Run Fast Virtual 5 Miler for Labor Day and thought it was a great idea. I had done a huge run/hike on Saturday, and had rested Sunday so I thought 5 miles seemed like the perfect thing to do.

I had spent most of that morning running around town with Emma and Jaxson. It was a pre-determined “Daddy Day”, where my wife gets the day off to do whatever she wants. She spends all week with them while I am at work and Daddy Days give her a nice break and me some quality time with my children.

So now it was the middle of the day, and I had not gone for my run yet. I was debating on interrupting Mommy’s break so I could go for my run, or just putting it off until much later in the day.  Then it occurred to me. I could go running with the kids. I know people do this all the time, but we just got a running stroller and I had not used it yet.

I knew my kids like to go exploring in nearby creeks and there was one about a mile away,  so off we went. I started running with the stroller and started calculating the math in my head as to how heavy it was. (I would later confirm with a scale 43,35,15 for Emma, Jaxson, and The Stroller for a total of 93 pounds.) I was happy with my pace and excited that I was accomplishing two things at once.  We got to the creek at a little over mile 1 so we stopped and I watched them play.

Emma and Jax find a creek.

There was a park next to the creek with a large field, so I used the field to run in circles and clock another 2 miles or so while they played. The kids actually ran a couple of laps with me and then enjoyed drinking from my Camelbak for the first time. (What can I say, they are easy to entertain)

After a while, we decided to continue on down the road with me pushing them at an easy pace. Then the thought hit me that we could have an early dinner at one of our favorite pizza places which was down the road a little ways.  There is great outdoor seating and it’s kid friendly . (Plus nothing gets more “Great Dad” points than pizza). The meal was quite enjoyable and it was time to make the 2 mile or so run back.

Lunch is over. Who is ready to run er stroll?

OK. So I clearly did not have the future in mind when we sat down. Anybody ever try to run pushing a 90 pound stroller immediately after several slices of pizza? This meant, that most of the way home would be a “stroll” and not a run as to not lose my dinner on my children’s heads. (Certainly, I would lose my new Daddy Points for that)

By the time we arrived home, the total distance was 5.26 miles. The time was much slower than my normal pace, but that didn’t matter. I still got to run, sweat, get 5 miles in AND have a great rest of the afternoon with my kids. It was the best of both worlds.

Emma takes one of me at a stop light.
The stroller and I get a break while the kids play.


To see more:

You can see the runkeeper map and stats of this run/stroll here.

Listen to my podcast about running and obstacle racing here. 




Matt B. Davis

is the host of the Obstacle Racing Media Podcast and the author of "Down and Dirty-The Essential Training Guide for Obstacle Races and Mud Runs". He is also the only (known) #wafflehouseelite obstacle racer.

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