#racelocal Grand Prix

#racelocal medal

Participate in amazing races and win prizes for doing what you love without having to be an elite? Getting rewarded for the amount of races you do and not necessarily the time you do them in? Interesting right? Well that is exactly what the #racelocal Grand Prix is about!

“#racelocal is a movement to bring athletes and participants to high quality and proven New England owned and operated obstacle course races. We pick the best from our experiences, and we encourage you to try them out. Then run more of them. Try something different to the big names, and know you’re going to a race with a solid track record” (newenglandspahtens.com).

The #racelocal Grand Prix takes running local races to a new level. Brought to you by the New England Spahtens, the #racelocal Grand Prix is an event that takes place throughout an entire calendar year. The idea behind the event is to get racers involved in local events found near and around the New England area.

The New England Spahtens did a ton of digging to find races they think are “worthy” to run and be included in their #racelocal Grand Prix line up.

According to Erick Coleman, “The races on the circuit have been chosen due to a range of feedback from the racing community, as well as our own experience with the race itself.” It’s not to say that other races are not worthy of the New England Spahtens. However, this is a group that thrives from fierce competition.

“We have entered into a partnership with the OCR World Championship, and we couldn’t be more excited about it! Four finishes equals a journeyman entry” (Erick Coleman).

So what does all of this mean to those who participate in the #racelocal Grand Prix? It means that you:

  1. Register for the #racelocal Grand Prix.
  2. Register for participating races.
  3. Show up and race!
  4. Go home and log your activity after the event.

The amount of races you register for and participate in earn you points. The points then earn you cool swag such as:

  • An awesome #racelocal medal.
  • #racelocal tee.
  • Swag bag.
  • #racelocal hoodie…and MUCH more!

So maybe swag doesn’t entice your senses…what about CASH money? The top three men and women win money prizes! All of this just by earning points from local races you were probably going to do any way. That’s epic!

If you live in the New England area and are looking for a challenge. Check out the #racelocal Grand Prix brought to you by the New England Spahtens! They already have a massive line-up for their 2015 season with more to come. So get involved in the movement that is hitting the New England area. Experience what being part of a competitive “family” is all about and #racelocal!

Thank You To: Erick Coleman and the New England Spahtens for the information and picture!


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Allison Dacus

Allison Dacus, aka RunUncensored, is a half marathon lover turned OCR addict. She loves the sport of OCR because overcoming obstacles is a part of every day life. Her goal is to inspire herself and others to be THEIR best! Allison is also the contributor for the OCR Transformations Series.
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  1. Fantastic idea, we participated last year and definitely will again this year. Thanks to this Grand Prix we were introduced to BoldrDash and Zombie Charge which we had never heard about previously. Blizzard Blast and FIT Challenge are also races that shouldn’t be missed! We are looking forward to experiencing Shale Hill this year.

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