An Open Letter To Amelia Boone

11707669_811739182273097_2880853545227438755_nDear Amelia,

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My name is Keith Allen and if you happen to get to the bottom of this and see my bio, you will see that I am a father of two great children. I remember when my son was born having a rush of feelings and pressure flooding me. Will I be a good dad? Am I going to screw him up? It eventually moved away from selfish feelings about what I would and could do into what he would be like. What will he want to be when he grows up? What role models will be left in the world of social media for him to look up to? I really want him to be happy, but every parent has a definition of happiness that differs from their children’s. That being said, having a job they’re really passionate about (high paying is nice too!) is essential for them having the freedom to pursue their hobbies. I had a lot of thoughts, feelings and questions. At this point in time I had yet to discover OCR.

You may be asking yourself, “why is he writing this to me?” Truthfully I just wanted to take the time to let you know that even though most of us in the OCR community really only know you from brief interactions in person and what we see online that you are an incredible role model to both adults and children.  While what you have accomplished in OCR is amazing and worthy of all the praise and attention you receive  you are much more than that. You have always maintained that while you love OCR, your job as an attorney takes precedence. I have always marveled that you have been able to stay true to that, especially in a world where online popularity, reality TV, and attention grabbing is prevalent.  I really respect you for that.

One day OCR may develop into a real sport. Maybe it will be in the Olympics. Maybe it won’t.  If and when that day comes and they need a logo? You are the Jerry West. You also happen to be the Elle Woods… Ok fine, Elena Kagan. In all seriousness, you are someone who I would be proud to have my children look up to. You are a symbol that many things are both important and possible and that you don’t always have to choose just one. We live in a world where our most popular sport prioritizes ratings at the expense of the education of those generating the money, many of whom feel the effects of that long after their playing careers are over. While you are no Steven Hauschka, you are Amelia Boone and you are much more than the world of OCR could ever tell you. I wonder if my son, Chase will be a professional Superhero, a Carpenter, a left handed relief pitcher specialist, or design the iPhone 36. I wonder if his sister Sydney will like fashion like her mother, crime fighting like Olivia Benson, or chemistry like no one in our family. One thing I am sure of is that there are still people like you to look up to, and for that I am grateful.


Keith Allen

Keith Allen

Keith Allen is an Air Conditioning Salesman and an exhausted father of two. When not carrying his children around in Baby Bjorns he is often found cooking delicious homemade quesadillas to fuel his hunger from running OCR's

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  1. Keith Allen very well written. I have an 11 year old daughter and curiously asked her two weekends ago who her athletic role models were to see what she said. She quickly replied Gabby Douglas, Kacy Catanzaro, Rose Wetzel-Sinnett and Amelia Boone!

  2. Great note Keith! It’s great to have role models in OCR that show our kids what is possible, while still being humble.

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