Scott Brackemyer
55 posts
44 year old Scott Brackemyer is a self described "Eliteish" racer from Dekalb Illinois. The father of four loves to travel with his family to races to spread the good word of OCR and living a healthy lifestyle.
Mud Titan 12 – Another Race Coming Out Of Covid-19 Hibernation
OCR is back! Yes, you read that correctly. The State of Florida has opened up and allowed a…
June 20, 2020
Valentine’s Day Massacre
We all compete in OCR because of the obstacles, right? If not, we’d all be signing up for…
February 28, 2020
Epic Series Phoenix
OCR and Crossfit, Crossfit and OCR. The two seem to go hand in hand as many OCR types…
December 20, 2019
Guardian Battle
The Guardian Battle, the second installment of a yearlong three-race series, was held at White Birch Park in…
May 10, 2019
Savage Race Georgia 2019
I always get excited for the new season of OCR to start, and one of the reasons is…
April 25, 2019
Valentines Day Massacre
I love when new OCRs invite me to cover their inaugural event as I get to see first…
February 21, 2019