Lindsay Webster. In the OCR world, her name is as common as Kim Kardashian. She’s an absolutely outstanding athlete. Although I personally have never met her, I’ve heard incredible things about her character, too.
The most exciting thing about obstacle racing is watching others. There are so many people that we can learn a lot from, and Lindsay certainly is a person to watch from. Most people admire her confidence on the obstacles and trails, but she has taught me something that is so much more than that.
The lesson that she taught me is just how great racing can be when you embrace how much fun it is.

Let’s face it–all we see are these super bad-ass pictures of people. You know, the massive guys with six-packs covered with mud and battle scars, and of course, we could never forget the infamous picture of Amelia Boone, straight-faced and covered with mud. All of Lindsay’s pictures are so much different from that. In all of her pictures, she is smiling.
Not only that, but she is the best in the business. She has several world championships under her belt, and never ceases to disappoint. Obviously, if she is taking a more positive approach to racing–it’s working. Having “good race vibes” are not only better for your mind, but they seem to be better for your results, too.

Now, of course, there are some hot shots out there, who are literally being paid to race. But the rest of us, even though we all have dreams of being successful and becoming better versions of ourselves, we’re here for fun. It’s so easy to get caught up on times and worry about failing obstacles, but in the end, the goal should always be to enjoy the ride. So, let’s stop allowing ourselves to stress about racing–instead, let’s join Lindsay Webster and smile.

Sarah Hetzel
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