Muddy Cheer Challenge – Cedartown, GA


Are you ready to get your young ones outside and active? The Muddy Cheer Challenge is a good way to make that happen and have your young ones begging for more. This was the first year for the Muddy Cheer Challenge to be hosted in the Atlanta area. The challenge was put together and arranged by the Atlanta Cheer Magazine on August 9th. Yes that’s right, cheerleaders. This is the only mud challenge of its kind that I know catering to young, energetic, LOUD, and athletic girls. The idea behind it all is to help get the girls outdoors in an active environment and not be afraid to get down n’ dirty. Cheerleaders are known for their enthusiasm and energy at all times, and the sponsors of the Atlanta Cheer Team, parents, coaches, and the cheerleaders themselves were looking for another outlet for this energy. So let’s throw a MUDDY CHEER CHALLENGE at them.

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This one of a kind event is definitely geared for the young ladies in the cheer world, but don’t worry if you aren’t a cheerleader this is still something that might interest you. Are you intimidated by the OCR world that is growing in popularity? Do you think you have what it takes to get out there and give it a go, but aren’t ready for the barbed wire, flames, and electric shock? Do you even have a 4 legged friend that you want to exercise and get muddy with? Then try the Muddy Cheer Challenge.


This family oriented challenge starts you off with immediate fun. Upon arrival I checked in with registration to pick up all my swag. This is a bit different than other OCR I have done, depending on when you registered that determined what items you were given. Sort of a minor let down that if you registered later you were not guaranteed a shirt. For most of the obstacle and mud running community we pride ourselves on our finisher shirts and medals, so to not get a shirt was sad. That sadness was quickly whisked away at the start line. I joined in with the crowd of screaming and dancing young cheer enthusiasts, friends, family, and dogs. This was the first time I stood next to a dog as my fellow competitor. There was loud music and everyone was dancing and having a great time. To get you started and pumped up for the course lots of foam is built up and all participants were given color powder to throw up at the start as they ran through the foam start line. The crowd was loving it. The course itself is ideal for young athletes. There were a few small hills here and there, some nice size tires to climb over, and did I mention tons of MUD! Every participant I passed was giggling and having a ball. I don’t believe I have ever seen so many young girls so ready to dive head first in to the mud. I grew up with brothers and boy cousins that got me to be a tom boy at a young age. I wish back then there was something like this for the younger crowd to enjoy and get the itch of the ever growing sport.


As far as the set up and organization there was some room for improvement. It’s hard to put an event like this on with no glitches its first time, one can always learn and improve. I was surprised at how far out of town this venue actually was. It was advertised as Atlanta but ended up being close to 2 hours away from inside the perimeter. Once I arrived to the venue I still wasn’t sure I was in the right place. I was hoping for a bit of signage to get me to the parking and actual venue, but instead I had to ask a very nice gentleman that was camping if he knew of the mud challenge taking place. When I finally made my winding way back to where I was directed I found the parking set up a bit odd. Luckily I arrived late in the afternoon. There was one attendant at the gate and he had a clipboard that he handed to me and instructed me to print and sign my name and of all those participating . Good thing it was just me in the car, but unfortunately I was not so lucky with the car ahead of me. I had to wait for all 8 passengers to print and sign their names. Plan accordingly for parking issues. I was also bummed to find out the hard way that there wasn’t much for food options. I believe I saw a truck with someone’s grill next to it and they were serving hamburgers and hot dogs. It was nice to see that the spectators had a good view of the event. Bleachers were set up for viewing and most of the parents were all there together to watch their young ladies and family get all muddy and have fun doing it. I believe that the Atlanta Cheer Magazine will have great success doing this again next year, just a few kinks to work out.

So if you know a young cheerleader that’s not big on getting dirty, or have a friend who wants to take a shot at their first mud challenge get them to sign up for this, and who knows it might just give them the OCR itch to become a pro in the making. Not for the experienced mud or obstacle runner, definitely a good introduction to the concept.

*Photos By: Muddy Cheer Challenge and Paparazzi Pictures 

20140818_153114Brenna Calvert ran her first OCR a year and a half ago with her brother and has been hooked ever since. She ran a few races with friends for fun and now as of June this year she is an elite obstacle course racer. Brenna wants to help others find happiness with themselves through physical activities and challenges. This is Brenna’s first review for ORM.



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