Rob From Rugged Maniac/Neely Fortune

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 Episode 174

First up on the show today is Rob Dickens from Rugged Maniac. Rob was first interviewed by Matt for the first time in January of 2013. 3 years later, Rugged Maniac have nearly doubled in size and were recently named one of the Ten Best Businesses to come out of Shark Tank. Listen in as Matt and Rob discuss:

spartan race discount
  • How do Rugged keep customers coming back?
  • How has Rugged grown while others are shrinking?
  • What has happened since Shark Tank?
  • How do they plan on expanding into Canada?
  • What’s it like having Mark Cuban as a business partner?

Next up is Neely Fortune. Neely has done a ton of obstacle races, some ultras, and several endurance races including The Ultimate Suck, and The Mexico Death Race. She is also Miss Vermont USA 2016. You will hear about:

  • Racing in a sash.
  • What the heck is the difference in Miss USA, Miss United States, Miss World, Miss Universe, etc.
  • Perfectionism and body image in pageant culture.
  • Her awesome story from last year’s Infinitus.
  • Steve Harvey (you knew we had to go there).

Today’s episode is sponsored by

The Liquid Run – ORM5 gets you $5 off their first event on June 18th in Newport Beach.

Macon Mud Run – May 2nd 2016. Muddy fun at this awesome 3rd year event.

Show Notes:

 You can use the player below to listen or use the iTunes or Stitcher buttons at the top of this post.

Matt B. Davis

is the host of the Obstacle Racing Media Podcast and the author of "Down and Dirty-The Essential Training Guide for Obstacle Races and Mud Runs". He is also the only (known) #wafflehouseelite obstacle racer.

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