Episode 167 – Jesse Itzler

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Jesse Itzler

Jesse Itzler used to leave funny outgoing messages on his answering machine back in college. They were so good , they went viral, the old school way. Pre-Internet, people would tell friends, who would tell friends, who would tell more friends. This led him to a record deal with Delicious Vinyl.

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To many people, landing a record deal is THE dream. Like, we got a DEAL, MAN!

This, however, was just the beginning for Jesse.

Jesse and Matt discuss how landing this deal led a lot of cool business doings in Itzler’s life including:

  • Creating music and video content for NBA (and other sports) teams.
  • Co founding Marquis Jets, the first private jet company allowing customers to “rent” versus “own”.
  • Becoming part owner of The Atlanta Hawks

There is a lot to be learned in this episode from a successful man who doesn’t seem to stress about any of it.

(They ran out of time before Matt could even ask about co-founding Zico Water or Jesse’s new book “Living with a Seal”, so hopefully there will be a part two.)

Today’s episode is sponsored by Rugged Maniac. Code ORM5 saves you $5 off all 2016 locations.

It is also sponsored by Udder Mud Run. August 6th, 2016 in Macon, Georgia. Code RUNORM saves you $10.00.

Show Notes

Jesse’s website

You can use the player below to listen or use the iTunes or Stitcher buttons at the top of this post.

Matt B. Davis

is the host of the Obstacle Racing Media Podcast and the author of "Down and Dirty-The Essential Training Guide for Obstacle Races and Mud Runs". He is also the only (known) #wafflehouseelite obstacle racer.

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