Scott Brackemyer
55 posts
44 year old Scott Brackemyer is a self described "Eliteish" racer from Dekalb Illinois. The father of four loves to travel with his family to races to spread the good word of OCR and living a healthy lifestyle.
Epic Series Orange County
About Epic Series OCR The Huntington Beach Sports Complex played host to the latest Epic Series OCR event…
August 18, 2017
Savage Race Chicago 2017
Savage Race is known for coming up with new and innovative obstacles year after year and the 2017…
August 1, 2017
Frontline OCR
It’s rare to see a startup OCR that thoroughly impresses, but the Frontline OCR held July 8th at…
July 13, 2017
BadAss Dash Chicago
The BadAss Dash made a return to the Chicagoland area on Saturday, July 8, 2017, at the Sears…
July 12, 2017
Spartan Race – Lambeau Larceny?
How would you like to race at the stadium where the Ice Bowl was played? Or where Brett…
July 4, 2017
The Battlegrounds
The first of two events held at the permanent OCR location called The Battlegrounds near Cedar Lake Missouri…
May 24, 2017