Jason Rulo

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Jason Rulo CSCS, CISSN, HFS, is the owner of Neptune Performance Products and Pinnacle Personal and Performance Training, in St. Louis, MO. He has been in the personal fitness and sports performance training field since 1999 and has worked with all levels from youth to professional athletes. He is also a founding member of Alpha Racing. Jason has been a competitive obstacle racer since 2010 and completed the World's Toughest Mudder from 2012-2024. He is also the inventor of the Neptune Thermoregulation System. Mr. Rulo can be reached at jasonrulo@neptuneperformance.com.
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World’s Toughest Mudder 2024- Gator Country!

People have strong opinions when nostalgia comes up. What do you think of when you hear "Saturday morning cartoons"? What decade of music is the best? What's your favorite movie? Similarly, when someone says "World’s Toughest Mudder," a few key things come to mind: