2019’s Highest Earning OCR Athletes

How much are the top racers in the obstacle racing world making?

Nicole Mericle won more obstacle racing prize money that any one else in 2019. This is a massive jump from 7th on our 2018 list with $27,000. Her biggest payday from 2018 was the OCRWC 3K where she won $6,300. In contrast, her largest one day payout this year was the 2018 Spartan World Championship in Tahoe, where she won $20K.

Her 2019 total of $66,050 is $7,600 more than the 2nd highest OCR money winner, Ryan Atkins, and is $12,117 more than the next female, Lindsay Webster.

A couple of other interesting tidbits from this years lists:

  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars were taken out of the prize pool as Tough Mudder removed prize money.
  • Jon Albon only ran 4 money races, and that was enough to earn him 7th on the list at nearly $25,000.
  • Hunter McIntyre is not in the top 25 for the first time in years as he focused on Crossfit and Hyrox.
  • North Americans dominated the top 10 men and women with Russia’s Sergei Perelygin and France’s Myriam Guillot-Boisset as the only Europeans.
  • Myriam is the oldest race turning 40 this year, and the youngest is 21 year old, Veejay Jones.
  • For a comparison to CrossFit, check out this list by The Morning Chalkup.

10. Rea Kolbl – $16,350

9. Veejay Jones – $18,333

8. Ryan Kempson-$19,000

7. Jon Albon – $24,956

6. Ryan Woods – $26,450

5. Robert Killian – $29,457

4. Myriam Guillot-Boisset – $34,315

3. Lindsay Webster – $53,933

2. Ryan Atkins – $58,400

1. Nicole Mericle – $66,050

Summary of Top-10 Highest Earners

The following table breaks down prize money won at races by race brand and series:

Top-25 Highest Earners by Gender

Here are the 25 male and female athletes to earn the most prize money purely from placement at races in 2019:



**Editor’s Note – Jack Bauer would like to thank the following for their help with European and Worldwide totals: Chris Davis, Johnny Tieu, Hallvard Borsheim, Maggie Cvektovic, Jessie Montague, Andrew MacDonald, Kimi Isom, Ian Deeth, Chris Woolley, Albert Soley, Vivian Chee, Christian Szcherf, David Dietrich
Luke De-Benedictis, and Mik Gerylo.

Jack Bauer

Jack is commonly referred to as the "Stat Genius of OCR". You can check out his rankings and OCR contests over at : https://www.yancycamp.com/2019-rankings/

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