Savage Race FL – Sharkbait Review – Fall 2015

F-U-N!Savage Race - Splash Down

spartan race discount

“Fun” would be the word I would use to describe the course at Savage Race Florida, Fall edition in Dade City (in between Tampa and Orlando).  The vibe was positive even walking up to registration.  Everyone was happy and helpful and I made it just in time to jump into my competitive wave, the first of the day.  (PS. a 9 AM start time was soooo nice compared to many other races with much earlier start times!)

The best part of my first Savage experience has got to be the starting line.  I am partial to Tough Mudder’s signature Sean Corvelle- his speeches hit me in the feels every time…but this guy at Savage made it F.U.N!  He jumped in with the crowd and had us linking arms and yelling at each other – “You’re not gonna take MY MONEY!”.  The only wave in which you can earn cash prizes is in the competitive wave, and he played on it perfectly.  We all played along and laughed and growled and chanted.  Then he sent us off through the colored smoke and into the fields.

The entire course was very flat but in ankle to midcalf high grass- very unstable ground, but fun for trail runners like me (fun as long as I have my handy-dandy ankle brace).  The very first obstacle was a swim through Shriveled Richard- we weren’t quite hot yet, but the outside temperature was so warm the ice refused to stay solid.

Soon after came the obstacle I was most looking forward to, Savage’s famous Sawtooth.  Not just your typical monkey bars, this rollercoster of metal tricks you into thinking you have almost made it before making you take a leap up with a difficult transition.  I loved that obstacle! sawtoothOver the walls and through the mud we ran.   Time to get wet again, but this time with a little more force from gravity with a 15-foot jump.   With my signature scream – I slammed into the water and kept on truckin’.  I was happy to see Pipe Dreams soon after, I had encountered this obstacle for the first time the previous week at the OCR World Championships- and wet hands made this super tricky.
Savage Race FL - Pipe Dream
There were plenty of standard walls and mud, crawls and heavy-carrys throughout the course to fill in the gaps between their badass signature obstacles.  Up a warped wall and down the slide brought us to Savages newest baby, Wheel World.  It was all about technique with this Ninja Warrior type contraption.
The photo-op fire jump completed my official popping of my Savage cherry-and my face says it all!
Savage Race - Fire Jump
***Later in the day I ran the course again with a teammate and two newbies, to include our pumpkin Bob.  Check it out- if Bob can do it, so can you!***Savage Race -Balance beam w/pumpkin

On the second lap, we came across a group of Vets that powered through obstacles and inspired many as we watched in awe.
Vet Crawl 2Vet jump

Sharkbait gives Savage two fins up!



Sharkbait can be found all over North America chasing her dreams and racing as much as possible.More than the rush of racing, the OCR family is what makes her heart tick everyday.

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