Episode 134 – Lee Haney

Episode 134

Today’s show features a sit down interview with Lee Haney.

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After success in bodybuilding as a teenager, Lee went on to win Mr. Olympia 8 times in a row.

Since he stopped competing, he has been sought after as a coach and personal trainer. His clients have included Evander Holyfield, Steve Harvey, and many others. His certification program is taught by trainers worldwide.

Matt talks to Lee about what it has taken to stay on top of his game so long, and how he has stayed sane and successfully married along the way.

He also talks about why “functional fitness” is where it’s at and why he thinks we should all “train to stimulate, not annihilate”.

We also learn about his upcoming events which combine bodybuilding, strongman, and a little bit of OCR.

Today’s show is sponsored Stunt Run.  ORM15 gets you $15 off all cities in 2015!

This week’s show is also sponsored by BattleFrog.  BATTLEORM gets you $10.00 off all events this year.

We are also sponsored by Savage Race.  Code ORM gets you 10% off all 2015 locations.

Click here to listen or press the large red button below.

You can also find this and all past episodes on iTunes and Stitcher.

Show Notes

Lee posing to “Excalibur”, and winning his first of 8 Mr. Olympia titles.

IAFS Certification Program

Upcoming Lee Haney Fitness Events



Matt B. Davis

is the host of the Obstacle Racing Media Podcast and the author of "Down and Dirty-The Essential Training Guide for Obstacle Races and Mud Runs". He is also the only (known) #wafflehouseelite obstacle racer.

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